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Thanksgiving Party on a Budget

Thanksgiving dinner party ideas

The perfect season to bond with the family and create beautiful memories is Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving exists the last Thursday of November, and along with Christmas and New Year’s Eve, it are considered a Holiday season.

Now, since this season is about parties, dinners, and gifts you may find yourself in a little financial trouble.

So if you are thinking about hosting a Thanksgiving party and afford the Christmas gifts while also having a nice New Year’s Eve, here we provide just a few tips on how to keep your Thanksgiving party dazzling with a low budget!

What Party Company to Call?

Hiring the right party rentals Sunset company is the first thing.

Party rentals offer bounce houses for rent for the kids plus decorations, tables, chairs, and much more.

When contacting party rentals ensure you do your research well.

I recommend you look at their reviews and ask for referrals.

Thanksgiving Party Guests!

Thanksgiving party on a budget

Making an exclusive party is the most ideal when you are short on a budget!

Make sure you invite your nuclear family, closest relatives, and friends!

Remember, the least people you have the more money you will save on food and drinks!

Now, if you have an extended family, the best thing you can do is ask someone to co-host with you or even make a potluck.

It is a great idea to accept all the help.

That also works as a bonding time with loved ones!

Keep the Essentials on the Shopping List!

Thanksgiving exists every year, so is always a great idea to cover all the traditions, for food, you cannot do without prepping the famous turkey first!

So, make sure you make smart Thanksgiving party shopping, you don’t need to provide 10 different dishes!

Make a list of the essentials and calculate an estimated amount you know you will have to spend!

Keep in mind the holiday traditions like yams, mashed potatoes, oyster stuffing, and the famous pumpkin pie!

Now, it is a great idea if you split the grocery shopping expenses with your co-host or your family members!

Remember it is all about sharing!

What about the Thanksgiving Food Leftovers?

Try to smart shop, in a way you calculate how much food will remain.

Now, don’t get stingy either, if there are leftovers, is great you make consider a leftover-packaging station to send your guests on their way.


Alcoholic drinks can boost your budget.

So you can either cut off alcohol, ask the guests to bring drinks, or focus on a few low-cost drinks like the traditional eggnog or sangria, which you can make on your own.

If you need help, you can pop a couple of YouTube tutorials, it’s simple!

So if you will go with the first option, freeing your party from alcohol, the best thing you can do is buy a few sodas bottles, and even you can make a nice natural refreshment with fruits from the season.

You can even pick them up from your backyard or a relatives’ backyard! You can also consider renting a margarita machine for frozen drinks.

Thanksgiving Party Décor!

Who says that a low-budget party has to be boring? Oh no, that is so wrong! Well, if you are a creative and handy person, you will love this part! Buying themed décor can result in unnecessary expenses. You can decorate your venue with what you already have! Set an unexpectedly fresh fall scene with cool crafts and fetching finds that bring a welcome twist to your Thanksgiving traditions.

All this can happen if you have a backyard. You can find beautiful leaves of different shapes and colors to arrange nice centerpieces. Otherwise, you can take some time to visit a park; while you take a nice and detoxing walk, you can pick up some pine cones. Those will go great with leaves.

Now, if you have some extra bucks, go to a dollar store and get some beautifully scented candles, but the chances are that you have those lying around at home, so put them into use. You can add some glue and stick a few of those faded, dry leaves that only autumn brings.

Make sure you go to your pantry and look at what other useful things you can add to your party décor! You will probably find a vase hidden under all that junk! You can use this while adding dry tree branches and hanging up cards with names; in it, your guests can write what they are thankful for and read it afterward. That can add a nice memory-building moment to your party.

Thanksgiving is a time of gathering, sharing, and loving. So now you know that budget and things are not necessarily important to celebrate with your loved ones. All you need is time, organization, support, and a lot of creativity.

Roast Turkey
Roast Turkey