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How to Avoid Throwing a Party Disaster?

party people drinking

Party Rentals in Miami, FL experts, have hosted many great big-time parties. However, an obstacle or miscalculation could have change the celebration for the worse.

Do you want to throw a raving party that everyone will remember or a disaster you and Facebook meme will never forget?

Here are Party Rentals planner’s tips on how to avoid party disasters, so you don’t end up on a Facebook meme for the worst party ever!

Party guests not showing up

lonely chair and balloon

You heard of many children and adults stories about parties where no guests showed up. It’s shocking for the host to experience this unfairness but often it’s their own faults. To avoid guests not showing up, don’t celebrate a party on special dates, for example, the big football game or TV events.

If you can’t dodge them, then plan around them. For instance, gather your friends to see the big game or show on the big screen TV while still celebrating your party. Bring the pizza, chip-dips, and sodas or drinks and enjoy.

Also, double-check your invites to ensure you have the right day, time, and place. Finally, remember to follow up for Rsvp as it helps.

Party on but people bored

You served the food and the drinks; the music was rocking. However, the party hasn’t started yet. Maybe the party people’s chemistry could be off, often, visitors may not know one another, or no one wants to get the ball rolling.

The best thing you can do to make the mood hippier for your guests is to make sure the music is upbeat, acquaint visitors with each other, and plan a few activities or games. Have some word games, board games, brain games, drinking games, anything that gets everyone moving or at least interacting. Soon these guests will go down on the dance floor and boogie, all they need is a little push.

The uninvited guest

security bouncer

The world is small, and sometimes the odds of an invitee bringing an old ex, someone you dislike, or even more guests you don’t have space for can bring an uncomfortable situation. To prevent uninvited visitors from appearing, explain that you have limited space on the invitations. That should dishearten anyone from bringing the unexpected visitor.

However, as word spreads of your party and individuals still show up uninvited, tell them you don’t have enough space and that they need to leave. The best way to mitigate this problem while looking good or at least polite is to allow them to stay only if you have enough space, drinks, and food. 

Controversial topics

One second the room can be happy with cool and light-hearted discussion, and in the following minute, they are chairs flying like in WWE. But, unfortunately, heated discussions about religion, favorite teams, and even race can regularly shut down a party. Once something like this happens, it isn’t easy to recover from the happy mood.

However, you can prevent a WWE match by reminding each visitor that they are entitled to their opinion without offending one other. But try not to pick sides; help the ambiance with a simple topic for everyone to discuss. As a host, change everyone’s mood to something more positive. If you see a future argument, do an activity or mitigate and ensure the visitor doesn’t hold resentment.

The drunk visitor 

drunk person on the lawn

When making drinks accessible at a gathering, the aim is typically to loosen everyone up and help them have fun. However, after a few drinks, a nice-mannered visitor can turn into a loud, obnoxious visitor. Sure indications of the impolite and unpleasantly alcoholic guests are empty glasses piling up, screams, and confrontational body language.

Prevent drunk visitors from ruining your party by counting the number of beverages they’ve had to drink and checking on their state often. Sometimes you can’t stay away from a drunk visitor since they will get alcohol with or without you. The best thing you can do is not serve drinks or make a happy hour that lasts about two hours. Also, don’t allow drunk people from the outside to come and ruin your day! Finally, get them a cab or call Uber if they drove to your party and look wasted.

The bustling host 

As a host, practically all the obligations of the party fall on you. Tasks can pile up, and before you finish with everything, the gathering can be over. Try not to become too involved with the difficulties that accompany setting up a gathering.

If you’re throwing a significant event get someone to help you, for example, a party planner. When you host a small gathering, ask friends and family members to help. Usually, essentials such as food, drink, and, entertainment will need some additional hands.

The last thing your visitors want to see is a panicked, busy, and unsocial host. The main aim of the host is to offer attention to their visitors and have a good time.